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Seven Spots Satan Easily Entrap Christian Youths

The words kept echoing and re-echoing in my ears as I decided to put up this thread: "How art the mighty fallen."
Wow! I've met a few who told me, "I still have time to return back to God. For now, lemmie enjoy my life." While listening to them in awe, the other guy says, "You are taking this Christian thing too far. It's not that serious." Hah! Mo gbe!
I shrug my shoulder in confidence knowing whom I've totally believed in. Today, most of them are lost in addiction and sin and are drowning. They try to still attend church and hide in a Service Unit but can a broken cistern hold water?
Thus saith the Lord, "Return oh youth from where thou has fallen. Sin and Holiness are two parallel lines that can never meet. Compromising to sin and asking for mercy would only succeed in stagnating your spiritual growing and make you inefficient for God to use.
Lemmie go headlong: "7 Spots Satan Easily Entrap Believing Brothers/ Sisters.
1. Lust of the Eyes.
Call it "Sin of the flesh" or whatever, it's a sin and drives the Holy Spirit very far from you. Is it possible to stop this? Yes. Be separated unto God. Until then, God can't really have His way in delivering you from this destructive habit. I'm not against you shining your eyes for a "good body" but be careful. There is more that meet the eyes.
2. Dirty Talking
If you are or aim to go higher in your walk with God, you'll cut yourself from those who make you engage in this. You can't claim to be a friend of the Holy God and still be a friend to the world. That's not possible. I hear you, "My friends talk dirty but I don't join them." Keep deceiving yourself!
3. Pornography/Masturbation
Not every one understands that "self servicing" means just same. It's a fact that this is a household habit among youths, even believers. You come in here and read, "Vaseline crew"/ "cucumbate" and you think it's normal! This is one of the strongest cord the devil has reserved for young folks. But you can be free. Every sickness has a remedy. Be born again, be on fire for God, separate yourself from those friends/materials, do the work of and evangelist. Desire more of God and you'll eventually lose taste for it.
4. Worldly Comparison
I doubt we still know we are pilgrims on earth. You are in the world but NOT OF the world. Look good but don't adopt the world's system of "looking good", if you know what I mean.
5. Bad Friends
Most young folks are into substance abuse and all because of friends. Bad friends are like Satan's incarnates orchestrated to send you to hell fire on a Range Rover. Keep away!
6. Premarital Sex/ Co-habitation
I could see someone scrolling and wishing this wasn't included but how? Get into our campuses and see what's happening! Sex is like giving out sweets. Sin is now sold for cheap but that doesn't change God's standard of holiness and eternity. ''The foundation of the Lord stands sure."
7. Time Spent On Our Phones and TV watching.
As okay as it may be, these things drain us spiritually. I believe they are little foxes that eats up the vine. Some things are not evil in themselves but they can bring evil. If you truly have the Holy Spirit, you'll know when you're wearing out as a result of these things. I believe they are what the Bible called "Weights". They hinder us from giving our best to God. They pull us back spiritually.
I don't know whom this message is for but I didn't do it out of presumption but as led. I pray that you become a useful tool in God's hands and not be flabby, baby Christian who is always sinning and asking for mercy. May you scale new heights spiritually. May you know the power of His resurrection. May you exercise authority over demon spirits and powers in the heavenlies because you know your authority as a believer. That's my prayer for everyone reading this. May you not be comfortable with just being a church worker in in your local assembly.
Credit: emusmithy

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