This was the all-important question the Jailor asked Paul and Silas in Acts 16:30 and this is the question every sincere seeker of salvation need to ask.
There are many people who are confused about what they need to do to get saved. Unfortunately, many preachers further confuse the minds of people on the issue of salvation. They tend to turn people away from the simplicity of the gospel of Christ to some complex things that they require seekers of salvation to do before they can be saved. Some recommend that to be saved, one must first be baptized in water; while others feel that one must first of all; turn over a new leaf before one can receive God™s salvation. There are some that teach that sinners must show that they are truly sorry for their sins by punishing their flesh i.e. penance. Some others allege that salvation is not complete until one gs through a particular rite of deliverance where evil spirits are cast out of the person. All these are misleading.
To the question asked by the Philippian Jailor, Paul answered ¦. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved¦ (Acts 16:31). This is all it takes, no more, no less. As you realize yourself as a sinner, you truly repent, confess and forsake them. Then you receive Jesus into your life and believe in Him as your Saviour. When you do this with a very sincere mind and in faith, then you will be saved. (Romans 10:9-10; I John 1:9-10).
This will be followed by very clear evidences one of which will be that you will become a new creature, (II Corinthians 5:17). All you need to do after is to continue to live the Christian life by grace through faith. Read the Bible daily for divine strength and nourishment. Pray always to receive more grace and help from the Lord. Fellowship regularly with a church that stands on the word of God for encouragement, help and other assistance. And then, try to tell other people of what God has done in your life.
The Lord blesses you
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